What services does Frequency Social offer?

We've got a killer lineup of services that will blow your socks off! We offer social media strategy, management, content creation, influencer marketing, paid advertising, analytics, public relations, and more! We'll make your brand shine like a disco ball on all major social platforms.

Why is social media management important for businesses?

Social media catapults your brand into the digital spotlight, attracting eyeballs from all corners of the interwebs. If you want to be seen, heard, and followed, social media management is the way to go! At Frequency Social, we take your brand as seriously as a DJ takes their beats. With our experience, creative skills, and passion, we'll make your brand stand out in the noisy social media world. And let's not forget about the power of data! 

Can you handle my social media advertising needs?

Absolutely, honey! We're not just here to post pretty pictures. We'll also help you rock the advertising game. From creating eye-catching ad campaigns to managing budgets and targeting the right audience, we'll make sure your ads hit the bullseye with our expertise.

How do you work your magic?

Our secret sauce is a mix of creativity, strategy, and pure digital wizardry. We kick things off by diving deep into your brand's vibes and goals. Then we whip up a groovy strategy, create captivating content, engage with your followers, and track the results. You can relax and let us work our magic while you enjoy the ride!

How much does Frequency Social charge for its services?

Ah, the big bucks question! Our pricing is custom-tailored to fit your unique needs, so it's hard to drop a specific number here. Just shoot us a message, share your requirements, and we'll get back to you with a groovy quote that won't break the bank.

Where are you located? 

Deep in the heart of the Windy City, Chicago. (For Now). We're a boutique digital marketing agency headquartered in Andersonville, Chicago. Aiming to become the Top Social Media Marketing Agency in Chicago then expand our way nation-wide and global.